ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.

People refinement made easy by adding profile pictures

In various SharePoint environments I see that clients mostly use the predefined refiners that you get from an out of the box search center. These refiners could of course help your users to find the right results, but they can always be made better. The author refiner for example can simply be more useful by adding the user his or her profile picture next to their name.

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Important managed properties for rendering people results

For a client, my colleague and I were creating a new “who is who” functionality on their intranet via a couple search web parts. In order to show the full profile of a user we created a new page with a content by search web part that showed a single user result.

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Merge search results from multiple search web parts together

Over the past months I received the same question a couple of times from customers and blog readers if there way to specify the number of search results per category / division / department. Their requirement was to display for example three global news articles and two news articles from the division the user belongs.

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Tiles display templates added to the SPCSR repo

Right before my vacation I released new display templates in the SPCSR GitHub repository. These display templates can be used to visualize results as tiles. The tiles are build the same way the promoted links web part. Show image Search tiles Show image Search tile hover effect The display template has the following configurable managed properties:

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Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Munich and Oslo

I am pleased to announce two other events where I will be speaking in October. #SPSMuc - October 10, 2015 Munich will be something special, it will be the first time that Thomas Vochten and I will do a session together. We are going to do a session about SharePoint Search targeted for the IT Pro and Developer audience.

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Speaking at SharePoint Saturday London and Barcelona

I am pleased to tell you that I will be speaking at two new SharePoint Saturday events in London and Barcelona. #SPSLondon - July 11, 2015 In London I will do a new session about my tips and trick for creating search display templates. Search display templates tips and tricks (lvl: 200) Everyone has its own ways on creating display templates for SharePoint.

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