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ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code | End-to-End Testing

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.


Sending mails with embedded images via the Microsoft Graph

The Microsoft Graph keeps getting better and better. Since it was released, a lot more endpoints and functionality has been added. In one of my applications I make use of the sendMail endpoint to send notification about progress updates. I wanted to improve the notification mail by embedding images into the mails.

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Loading CSS from your display templates

A while ago I wrote an article about how to correctly include scripts in your Display Templates. As the $include functions load files asynchronously on the page, it could happen that the JavaScript file is not loaded yet when you need it. Info: here is the link to the article - correctly including scripts into your display templates.

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Highlight on-premises search results in your hybrid configuration

Last week I finally found some time to get my demo tenant up and running with hybrid search configuration. The new hybrid search experience eliminates the need of the result block. All results are aggregated together right now. So that means if you do a search query, you could get SharePoint Online results and on-premises results.

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Offset classes are coming to Office UI Fabric

A week ago I submitted a pull request to the Office UI Fabric repository to include a new set of offset classes. These offset classes could come in handy when you want to position your elements on the page. Info: here you can see the details of the pull request - https://github.

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Do something after all refiners templates have completed rendering

If you created your own display templates, you most probably have used the AddPostRenderCallback function. The AddPostRenderCallback function allows you to execute code once the display template completed rendering and this function can be used in every template (control, item, …). Now when you are creating your own refiner display templates and want to do something once all the refiners are rendered, the first approach would be to create a AddPostRenderCallback function in the refinement control template.

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Office UI Fabric responsive grid: breakpoints, push/pull and other available classes

At the moment the documentation for Office UI Fabric is focussed on Office Add-ins. For example: if you check the grid styles, there is mentioned that there are utility classes for small, medium and large devices, but there is more functionality hidden inside the SASS/CSS files. In this article I will describe a couple of very useful CSS classes which you can use when building your own applications with the Office UI Fabric framework.

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