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ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code | End-to-End Testing

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.


Utilize Playwright together with Jest to cross-browser E2E test your solutions

On my journey to select the best tool for our end-to-end tests for our teams, I tested out the recently announced Playwright tool from Microsoft. This tool is the new version of Puppeteer (as the core team members moved to Microsoft). Info: The benefits of E2E tests are that it validates if your features work (or keep working when implementing changes), and also provides a more code-driven approach of documenting the features and user flows.

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Quick tip: How to use dynamic variable groups in Azure DevOps YAML pipelines

The preferred way to implement pipelines these days in Azure DevOps is via YAML. Which makes the pipeline part of your code and is automatically version controlled. When you were used to the classic way of creating release pipelines, you might have used environment scoped variables. These scoped variables were great to specify to which environments you wanted to provision/install/deploy/… your solutions.

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Best practice: specify the Local SharePoint results source ID to gain search control

When creating solutions based on SharePoint search, you best always define the source ID of the Local SharePoint results source with each call. By providing that source ID with each request, you make sure that the results you expect for your solutions are always the same. Which ID? The Local SharePoint results source ID you are looking for is: 8413cd39-2156-4e00-b54d-11efd9abdb89.

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Why does your timer trigger Azure Function run at unforeseen times?

Why does your timer trigger Azure Function run at unforeseen times? Has it ever happened that your timer triggered Azure Function was running on unforeseen times? We had it for two functions, and could not immediately find out where or why this was triggered more than once an hour. Timer function running multiple times per hour One of the functions should run once every hour, but as you can see, sometimes it runs more.

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Using Cypress for end to end testing your SharePoint solutions

Last year I already wrote an article about how you could implement visual UI tests for your SharePoint solutions by using Puppeteer in combination with Jest. I still use these tools for setting up various UI tests in our products, but a couple of months ago, a tool called Cypress caught my attention.

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