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ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code | End-to-End Testing

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.


How to use Cypress to test your SharePoint solution with an Azure AD-secured API

How to use Cypress to test your SharePoint solution with an Azure AD-secured API In January 2020, I explained my approach to how you can make use of Cypress to test out your SharePoint solutions. Cypress is great to use and simple to configure. I like the capability of running individual tests on your local machine to verify if the solution is still working as expected once you implemented changes, and do full runs after nightly builds.

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DIY: Building a busy light to show your Microsoft Teams presence

For many of us, working from home is mandatory these days. For me, nothing major changed. I was already used to work from home since I joined Valo 2,5 years ago. One thing that has changed is that my children are now at home while I am working. Luckily I was prepared for it (I thought).

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Running an Azure DevOps self-hosted agent on WSL

Some time ago, I migrated my blog from Wordpress to a static site by Hugo. To generate the static pages, I make use of Azure DevOps pipelines. The free tier, which gives me up to 1800 minutes/month, is enough, but not this month. When I wanted to publish my blog post from yesterday, I got the following friendly message:

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Conditional publish packages to NPM via GitHub actions

While I was working on one of my hobby projects to automate our home with Homebridge, I wanted to have an easy way to publish my packages to NPM. I usually do this via Azure DevOps, but as one of the conditions to get the plugin verified is that it is published publically on GitHub, I wanted to give GitHub Actions a try.

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Using the new multilingual APIs in Modern SharePoint

Currently, the Multilingual page publishing for Modern SharePoint feature is rolling out to first-release tenants. This feature allows you to create pages on communications sites in different languages. These pages get linked to each other, and with a language switcher, you can navigate from language variant to variant. Info: Microsoft 365 Roadmap status on Multilingual page publishing for Modern SharePoint: https://www.

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Showing a spinner when dynamically loading resources for your SPFx property pane

In your SharePoint Framework web parts, you have the option to load resources dynamically. These resources could be data you want to fetch or dynamically load controls before the property pane panel gets shown. To achieve this, you implement the logic in the loadPropertyPaneResources method. Info: You can find more information about dynamically loading controls here: Special property pane dynamic loading.

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