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Trigger the edit page experience from your SharePoint Framework solution

SharePoint Framework SPFx

This post is over a year old, some of this information may be out of date.

This is a quick article to show you how you can open the edit page experience from your SharePoint Framework solution. Such a trigger could be useful so that you can trigger the page its edit mode from within your web part, footer, …

Nothing more to say about it, so here is the code:

Here is an example of what you could expect:

Show image Trigger edit page
Trigger edit page

When the page is checked out to someone else, you SharePoint lets you know who is editing it:

Show image Page is already checked out
Page is already checked out

Other actions

Other actions like saving, publishing and discarding are also availble:

  • _api/sitepages/pages({id})/SavePageAsDraft
  • _api/sitepages/pages({id})/DiscardPage
  • _api/sitepages/pages({id})/SavePage

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Elio Struyf

Solutions Architect & Developer Expert


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