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SharePoint Designer 2010 – Start Approval Process Workflow Action Not Working In Other Languages



When designing a SharePoint Designer workflow for a Dutch site, an error occurred when I used a language specific **Start Approval Process **action. The error only tells you that the workflow will not work: “Errors in the workflow prevent it from functioning correctly”. It only highlights the Approval Process in red.

Show image Workflow errors were found
Workflow errors were found
Show image Start Approval Process (Dutch) Error
Start Approval Process (Dutch) Error

“Het process Goedkeuring voor Current Item met Elst starten” is Dutch for: “Start Approval process on Current Item with Elst”.

Digging deeper in the Approval process action, revealed that the problem lies in a Log to History List action.

Show image Log in History List Action (Dutch) Error
Log in History List Action (Dutch) Error

In the Log to History List action three field values got an incorrect field reference. These incorrect field references are displayed with the following value: [%.ReturnValue%].

Show image Logging Text
Logging Text

The following solution were tested for the Dutch (1043) and French (1036) language packs.

Solution 1: Manual Steps in SharePoint Designer

This step requires some manual steps that will need to be done each time you use a language specific Start Approval Process action.

  1. Open SharePoint Designer 2010;
  2. Open your workflow in editor mode;
  3. Click on the Approval process action, this will open the task process;
    Show image Approval Process
    Approval Process
  4. In the task process window, under the **Customization section, click ** Change the behavior of a single task;
    Show image Change the behavior of a single task
    Change the behavior of a single task
  5. Search the Log to History List action that causes the error. This can be done by clicking on the Check for Errors button;
    Show image Check for errors
    Check for errors
  6. Click on the Log message;
  7. Manually add new field references for the Assigned To, External Participant, and DueDateTime fields. First remove the [%.ReturnValue%], click on the Add or Change Lookup button. In the Data source select Current Task: Approval (Language Specific), in the Field from source select the correct field reference;
    Show image Assigned To
    Assigned To
    Show image External Participant
    External Participant
    Show image DueDateTime (Workflow Variables and Parameters)
    DueDateTime (Workflow Variables and Parameters)
  8. When you have added the new field references you should have something like this:
    Show image Correct Field References
    Correct Field References
  9. Re-check for errors and you should receive the following message:
    Show image The workflow contains no errors
    The workflow contains no errors
  10. Publish your workflow.

Solution 2: Change Field ID’s in the Workflow XML

This solution requires that you change the moss.actions xml file for a specific language in the SharePoint root folder. If you do not want to modify any of the SharePoint root files, I recommend you to follow the first solution.

When I investigated the moss.actions file for the English, Dutch and French language packs, I noticed that the field ID’s in the Dutch and French version, were different than those in the English version.

<ns0:DynamicStringActivity x:Name="ID11464" __Context="{ActivityBind ROOT,Path=__context}" Value="Task created for [%ID11465.ReturnValue%] on behalf of [%ID11467.ReturnValue%]. Due by: [%ID11469.ReturnValue%]"/>

<ns0:DynamicStringActivity x:Name="ID11464" __Context="{ActivityBind ROOT,Path=__context}" Value="Taak gemaakt voor [%ID11158.ReturnValue%] namens [%ID11160.ReturnValue%]. Einddatum: [%ID11162.ReturnValue%]"/>

<ns0:DynamicStringActivity x:Name="ID11464" __Context="{ActivityBind ROOT,Path=__context}" Value="Tâche créée pour [%ID11158.ReturnValue%] de la part de [%ID11160.ReturnValue%]. Échéance : le [%ID11162.ReturnValue%]"/>

In the English version the following ID’s are used:

  • Assigned To: ID11465

  • External Participant: ID11467

  • DueDateTime: ID11469 In the Dutch and French version the ID’s are different:

  • Assigned To: ID11158

  • External Participant: ID11160

  • DueDateTime: ID11162 Follow the next steps to change these ID values.

  1. Navigate to the following location on your SharePoint server: SharePoint Root\TEMPLATE**<LANGUAGE CODE>**\Workflow;
  2. Make a copy of the moss.actions file.
  3. Open the moss.actions file in a text editor;
  4. Do a search with the following string: x:Name=“ID11464”;
  5. In this XML Node change the **ID11158 **-> ID11465, ID11160 -> ID11467, and ID11162 -> ID11469;
  6. Save the moss.actions file;
  7. Do an IISRESET;
  8. Open your site in SharePoint Designer 2010;
  9. Open or create a new workflow and add the language specific Start Approval Process action;
  10. Click on the Approval process;
    Show image Approval Process
    Approval Process
  11. Check the Log to History List action that caused the error. This should contain the correct field references.
    Show image Correct Field References
    Correct Field References


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