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ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code | End-to-End Testing

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.


Gulp task to change environment settings in SharePoint Framework projects

Since I wrote the article about how you could configure build and release pipelines in Visual Studio Team Services, I got a couple of people asking if it is possible to get different builds working on one tenant. When you build something with the SharePoint Framework and are ready to move from development (workbench) to test or production.

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Passing arguments with custom Gulp tasks for SharePoint Framework projects

If you ever created Gulp tasks which made use of arguments to specify certain configuration settings to be used during the execution. You probably made use of a module called yargs. The yargs module makes it easy to check if arguments are provided and to retrieve their values. If you are building your own custom Gulp tasks for your SharePoint Framework projects, you do not require this module.

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How to let an Azure Function know something failed

Just a quick article about how you can let your Azure Function runtime know there was a problem during the execution. This is important when you are for example working with queue triggered functions. The default method to let your Azure Function know it has finished is the context.done() method. When you use the method like this: context.

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Configure a build and release pipeline for your SharePoint Framework solution deployments

In the previous article, I wrote how I achieved to setup a build and release pipeline to automate the publishing process of my SharePoint Framework app package and JS file to my environments. Info: Use build and release pipelines in VSTS to automate your SharePoint Framework deployments. In this article, I will focus on explaining the steps in detail how you can achieve it yourself.

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