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ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code | End-to-End Testing

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.


Parse multipart/form-data in Azure Function

While working on an internal Azure Static Web Site project, I needed to upload CSV files to an Azure Function to import data to Cosmos DB. When uploading a file to your API, the multipart/form-data content-type is used. The body’s format looks a bit “special” as it requires some parsing to get each file.

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Why I picked Cypress over Selenium

For the PnP Virtual Conference, I did a talk about how to start with UI testing. During the session, someone asked me why my preference is Cypress and not Selenium. As the session was only 30 minutes, it is hard to fit every bits and piece in it. That is the intention of this article to tell you why we are using Cypress.

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Retrieving the CosmosDB query continuation token in Node.js

For one of our internal tools at Valo, I am creating a portal for managing our project localizations. The portal itself will be produced as a static website and hosted on Azure Static Web App. The great thing about Azure Static Web Apps is that it comes with hosting and the ability to create Azure Functions.

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Parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded in Azure Function

For a Mailchimp webhook, I had to parse the application/x-www-form-urlencoded form data to JSON. Azure Functions does not automatically do this for you, so you have to provide your parser. I knew that I had already done this, so I went on a search journey through my code. To make it easier next time, I wanted to share the code snippet with the rest of you.

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Which service? Netlify vs Vercel vs Azure Static Web App

I like to use static websites. It is fun to see that so many go back to the “old” way of working, but still try to find our ways to add our content dynamically. Retro tech is hip again Last year I made my move to static with my blog, which is now running on the Azure Storage static website option and powered by Hugo and do not regret it.

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Manual GitHub workflow triggers for Azure Static Web Site

In July 2020, GitHub released a new manual trigger feature for its GitHub Actions workflows. This trigger allows you to run a workflow from the UI, or you can also use it to run it via an HTTP POST request. The HTTP POST request option makes it very useful to trigger your workflow to run from an external system.

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