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ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code | End-to-End Testing

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.


Using Doctor on Azure DevOps to generate your documentation

GitHub Actions is hot these days, but still, Azure DevOps is being used in many companies, and I do as well. Doctor a tool for publishing your markdown documentation on SharePoint, works nicely on Azure DevOps as well. Info I will use the doctor sample as the blueprint for this article.

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#DevHack: GitHub Actions do not run step on schedule

When creating a whole new Github Actions workflow for Doctor, I wanted to do as much as possible from one workflow and be able to limit specific actions depending on how it triggered. I wanted my GitHub Actions to run on each push to the dev and main branch and run the tests on a schedule.

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#DevHack: Using Azure CDN with SAS on Verizon Premium

In the previous article, I explained how you could use the Shared Access Signature (SAS) in Cloudflare. The reason that I use this approach is to make sure the Azure Storage cannot be publicly accessed. Only via a SAS token blobs can be retrieved or updated. If you want to do this for Azure CDN, I pointed to the documentation to configure this, but it seems that it has changed a bit over time.

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Using Cloudflare to serve your private Azure Storage Blobs

Recently I wrote about how to use Cloudflare as a CDN for your Azure Storage Containers/Blobs. The process for setting up Cloudflare for Azure Storage is straightforward. Info Use Cloudflare CDN for your Azure Storage caching Now to make this work, you need to configure the Azure Storage to be anonymously accessible.

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Using Doctor in GitHub Actions for your documentation

Doctor is a tool that you can use to write your documentation in markdown and push it to your SharePoint. That way, you have one location to use and share the documentation in your company. In this article, I want to tell you more about how you can set up GitHub Actions to do automated documentation deployments.

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#DevHack: CORS for Cloudflare cached Azure Storage blobs

In the previous post, I told you why we moved to Cloudflare CDN to serve our Azure Storage files instead of Azure CDN. During the testing of Cloudflare, I found out that CORS headers were not present for the files. Usually, this is not needed if you only retrieve one file, but if you want to retrieve another file, for instance, a template from your site, these cross-origin resource sharing headers are required.

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