ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.

Securing your Azure Functions with an existing Azure AD app

This article continues the previous article about using the OAuth On-Behalf-Of flow in your Azure Functions. In the last article, the Azure Function only verifies the JWT Token, and if valid, uses it to request an access token and get data on your behalf. Info Link to the previous article about Using OAuth On-Behalf-Of flow in a Node.

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Using OAuth On-Behalf-Of flow in a Node.js Azure Functions

While implementing a couple of Azure Functions, I needed to use the OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow. With this flow, you can allow, for instance, an API to perform tasks on your behalf. This flow is great when you want to offload some of the work from the front-end or perform additional calls on the back-end when processing data.

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#DevHack: Using Raycast to speed up my productivity

It does not happen often I write an article about a tool, but this time, I felt this tool deserved some extra attention. Raycast is a tool that you can compare to Spotlight from macOS and Alfred, and yes, it is macOS only. Many people use Alfred, and I have been using Alfred since I had my first Macbook.

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Microsoft Graph Essentials extension released for VSCode

Recently I started working more and more with the Microsoft Graph again and the related toolkit. While I began to use a couple of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit (MGT) components, I wanted to change the styling a bit and add some custom templates. I noticed that there was not yet a Visual Studio Code extension that helps you with building apps with MGT.

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#DevHack: Caching data for your VSCode extension

For my Visual Studio Code extension to autocomplete the Microsoft Graph APIs, I wanted to improve the speed of the suggestions by implementing a cache. That way, you would not have to do the same API calls each time. In-memory cache has its limits Initially, I started with just an in-memory cache.

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VSCode extension for autocompleting your Microsoft Graph API

While working on a project which uses Microsoft Graph APIs, I found myself opening the Microsoft Graph Explorer a lot to check which paths/parameters were available. The Microsoft Graph Explorer is a great tool, but I love not to change context too much. As I like to create Visual Studio Code extensions, I did not have to think long to start building a new extension.

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