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ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code | End-to-End Testing

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.


How to callback to your extension from outside Visual Studio Code

While creating the authentication provider, I discovered a helpful handler in the Visual Studio Code API, which allows you to handle system-wide URIs and callback into your extension. In the case of the authentication provider, I use it to retrieve the token that gets passed from the callback, but you can use the registerUriHandler for many more scenarios.

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Create an Authentication Provider for Visual Studio Code

Previously I wrote how you could use the Microsoft Authentication Provider in your Visual Studio Code extension to custom Azure AD applications. In this article, we go a step further and create our authentication provider from scratch. As By default, VS Code supports the github, github-enterprise, and microsoft authentication providers. If you use another service or have your authentication service, you will likely want to create your Authentication Provider.

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How to use the Microsoft authentication provider in Visual Studio Code

While creating a custom authentication provider, I found out the standard Microsoft authentication provider in Visual Studio Code can be used with your Azure AD Apps and Tenants. By default, VS Code supports the github, github-enterprise, and microsoft authentication providers, but little documentation is available, mostly coming from the issues in the VS Code repo.

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Extension tip to bring Visual Studio Code to the foreground

In one of the extensions I am developing with a custom authentication provider, I required to bring the last Visual Studio Code instance to the front once signed in. When you can control the full authentication flow, you typically redirect the user to vscode://..., which triggers your browser from opening Visual Studio Code.

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#DevHack: Fetching sponsors via the GitHub GraphQL API

To automate the roll-up of sponsors for Front Matter on the website. I started to look through the GitHub Rest API documentation to check it could receive this kind of information. Unfortunately, the Rest API does not provide you with this information, so I went to where the cool kids go these days, GraphQL.

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#DevHack: VS Code extension storage options

For Front Matter and another VS Code extension which is currently in development, I wanted to understand which options there are for storing data. Data can be anything, for some extensions, it will be settings, for others, it is more complicated sets of data. In this article, I will give you an overview of all the available storage options and when to use them.

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