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Check your Azure Static Web App storage usage


Azure Static Web Apps offer several plans, including a free plan and a standard plan (and a dedicated plan which is currently in preview). Each plan comes with specific quotas and limits, one of which is storage capacity.


You can find more details about these quotas here: Quotas in Azure Static Web Apps

Show image Static Web Apps - Plans
Static Web Apps - Plans

If you’re wondering how to check the storage usage of your Azure Static Web App, I recently discovered a way while exploring the Azure Portal.

Checking Storage Usage

Instead of estimating storage usage from your local build output, you can check it directly in the Azure Portal:

  1. Go to the Azure Portal.
  2. Search for your Azure Static Web App.
  3. Click on Diagnose and solve problems.
  4. Select Configuration and Management.

This page provides various details about your Static Web App, including a Storage Usage section that displays the current storage consumption.

Show image Static Web App - Storage Usage
Static Web App - Storage Usage

I hope this helps you better understand and monitor the storage usage of your Azure Static Web App.


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