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Wrapping up the year 2017, and looking forward to 2018


What a year! This year passed by so quickly, probably because a lot has happened this year personally and business-wise.

Some career changes U2U and Valo Intranet (Blue Meteorite)

The first article I wrote this year was about announcing that I was quitting my job as a consultant and start working as a trainer for U2U (Change is on the way) as of February 2017.

The people who follow social media probably some announcements a couple of weeks ago that I joined Valo Intranet. My U2U journey was indeed a bit short, but I felt I was missing something. I loved the training part, as some of you know, I tend to talk a lot. Also, teaching people gives you a lot of satisfaction. I must say that I loved working for U2U, and my colleagues were just great. Keep on doing a good job over there!

So why change again? As much that I love teaching, I missed building things. That is why I made the decision and got in touch with Valo Intranet. This month I officially started working for Valo Intranet (https://www.valointranet.com/) as a senior developer and architect. I will be focussing on getting Valo ready for the SharePoint Modern experience. I am pretty excited, I always wanted to be able to work with people from around the world. It is that I got this opportunity at Valo. The team is amazing, and I am sure we build great things together in 2018.


Event-wise, 2017 was a busy year. In total, I spoke at 13 events in Europe, had a couple of webcasts. All of them were great! At most of my sessions, there was a lot of interaction with a great audience. So I can conclude this was a good year. You can see all of them here: speaking engagements.

I hope for 2018 this will be as good or better. My first event for 2018 is already planned, which will be SharePoint Saturday Helsinki.


In 2017 I was involved in a couple of projects. First of all PnP (https://aka.ms/sppnp) ones:

I also had some personal side projects like:


Based on the stats I wrote 34 articles (including this one). Most of them were focussed on Office 365 Development (Microsoft Graph) and SharePoint Framework. Only two of them were related to Display Templates, which, by the way, are still one of the most requested topics on my blog.

What will 2018 bring?

Who will know? One thing I know for sure is that it will be a great year! Merry Christmas and I wish you all a fruitful and prosperous new year. Hope to see you again in 2018!


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