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Tag: Vercel


Deploy your site to Vercel using GitHub Actions and Releases

One of my favorite hosting companies is Vercel as they can provide simplicity and flexibility at the same time. I wanted to control my site’s deployment process on Vercel entirely for a new product I am building. Usually, when you use Vercel in combination with GitHub. It will automatically trigger new deployments when you push code.

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Use environment variables in Hugo to show branch information

For the new documentation website of Doctor, I wanted to do something similar like I did for Pimp Your Own Bike to show a message depending on the version/branch of the site I am using. For the doctor documentation, I wanted to use this method to show a beta message when using the beta site (beta.

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#DevHack: Specifying what to run on Vercel dev

While developing the integration with Strava on our cycling club website, I wanted to use serverless functions to simplify the data retrieval from Strava. The website runs on Vercel, and if you’re going to test out your serverless functions locally, you will need to use Vercel its CLI. You can install the Vercel CLI by running the following command: npm i vercel -g.

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#DevHack: Configuring domains for your branches on Vercel

To prepare my new online store’s release for selling personalizable bike stickers called: Pimp Your Own Bike. I wanted to make sure that I could test out my website before merging it to the main branch. Using a predefined custom domain would be the easiest way. Highlighting my environments On Azure, I would typically use slots on the web app.

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