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Tag: Static Site


Symlink your content in Astro: a simple solution for greater portability and flexibility

Astro is a powerful static-site generator that allows developers to build lightning-fast websites. However, when trying to create a more portable and flexible blog by separating content from the website’s source, I faced issues with symlinks/content not being recognized/found. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through a simple solution to this problem and explain how you can easily symlink your content to an Astro project.

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Reviewing Cloudflare Pages to show what it has to offer

Cloudflare is a name that probably does not need any introduction. It is a well-known service that provides one of the fastest and massively used content delivery networks (CDN). Cloudflare developers have been busy as they have been building a lot of valuable new services like the one that I am talking about in this article Cloudflare Pages.

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Doctor - the static site generator for SharePoint

I love static sites! In 2020 I have created ten production sites with various static site generators and a couple of POCs. My favorites are Hugo and Next.js. Doctor logo The story Internally in our team, we did the same. For our Valo partner/client documentation, we used mkdocs as our static site generator.

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Running the CollabDays Benelux event on Azure Static Web App

This article recaps the CollabDays Benelux event that BIWUG and DIWUG organized together and happened on the 24th of October. We held the event virtually due to Covid-19, like most of the events in 2020. We decided that we wanted to do this as a virtual event together around May/June timeframe to make sure we could let it happen.

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Which service? Netlify vs Vercel vs Azure Static Web App

I like to use static websites. It is fun to see that so many go back to the “old” way of working, but still try to find our ways to add our content dynamically. Retro tech is hip again Last year I made my move to static with my blog, which is now running on the Azure Storage static website option and powered by Hugo and do not regret it.

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How to make local Azure Static Web App development easier

Static sites are cool again (actually for a long time), and Microsoft knows that. Their new Azure Static Web App - App Service is currently in preview. At the moment, it still misses some key functionalities, but I am sure that these will get added once they put it in GA (hopefully to be announced at Ignite in September 2020).

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