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Tag: SharePoint Framework


Demystify Microsoft Viva Connections its extensibility model

Microsoft Viva Connections is a new experience to inform employees in your company and keep them engaged all from within Microsoft Teams. The nice part about Viva Connections is just a name, and you will have to brand it yourself. Meaning, it will be your experience, for your company. Another significant part of Viva Connections is the extensibility.

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Utility functions which you might not know existed in SPFx

Utility/helper functions, every project uses them, but how do you get them to your projects. For our products, we use a common/shared library private npm package. By sharing this package to all our products, we do not have to reinvent the wheel every time, but also have to fix things in one place when there is a bug.

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Ignoring the JSON comment errors in your SPFx solutions

Something that bothers me for a long time is the comments in the SharePoint Framework component JSON manifest files. As you may know, JSON does not allow you to add comments to its content. Visual Studio Code will show some errors for it as well. VSCode comment errors in JSON I understand that comments are needed.

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Showing a spinner when dynamically loading resources for your SPFx property pane

In your SharePoint Framework web parts, you have the option to load resources dynamically. These resources could be data you want to fetch or dynamically load controls before the property pane panel gets shown. To achieve this, you implement the logic in the loadPropertyPaneResources method. Info: You can find more information about dynamically loading controls here: Special property pane dynamic loading.

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Handling page creation events in your SPFx application customizer

Some time ago I wrote about things to check in your SharePoint Framework application customizer for making sure it behaves correctly on navigation events. This included checks to see if you navigated to another page, different hub site and site with another language. In most cases, these are the checks that you want to put in place, to make sure that your application customizer renders the right data after a navigation event.

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