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Tag: SharePoint


Fix admin consent for SharePoint token retrieval flows in your SPFx solution

There have been a couple of changes in SharePoint recently related to retrieving access tokens for your SharePoint Framework solutions. One of the changes is that MSAL V3 now uses the /_api/Microsoft.SharePoint.Internal.ClientSideComponent.Token.AcquireOBOToken API to retrieve the access token. Typically, this API was only used when loading your solution from Microsoft Teams, but it will now also be used when loading your solution from SharePoint.

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Help my browser keeps refreshing my SharePoint page

One of my customers reported that their SharePoint page kept refreshing in Firefox. While investigating the issue, it turned out it was an issue with the Microsoft Graph permission scope that was missing. All we had to do was approve the permission scope in the SharePoint Admin Center - API access page, and it was fixed; the page stopped refreshing.

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Linking and Unlinking Multilingual Pages in SharePoint

It has been a while since I wrote an article about SharePoint, but in the last couple of weeks, I got interested in linking and unlinking multilingual pages in SharePoint. This functionality is proper when you migrate pages from other sites to multilingual ones. Still, it can also be helpful to remap pages in case of some information architecture changes.

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Approve a multi-tenant webApiPermissionRequests scope for your SPFx solution

It has been a long time ago since I wrote about SharePoint. Lately, I got into a Viva Connections project where I had to approve a multi-tenant webApiPermissionRequests scope and ran into an issue where it was impossible to approve the permission scope. Show image Failed permission approval The error that gets returned is The requested permission isn't valid.

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Doctor - the static site generator for SharePoint

I love static sites! In 2020 I have created ten production sites with various static site generators and a couple of POCs. My favorites are Hugo and Next.js. Doctor logo The story Internally in our team, we did the same. For our Valo partner/client documentation, we used mkdocs as our static site generator.

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Be aware adding extensions to SharePoint Content Type Hub

For one of our clients, we had a Microsoft support case open for a long time. On the client, its tenant, every time they created a new site collection, our Valo application customizers appeared automatically. Most of the time, this happened between 5-60 minutes. Internally in our Valo codebase, we do not have anything which triggers this automation.

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