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Tag: Security


Protect your API/auth keys by keeping those out of your Visual Studio Code settings

While implementing the i18n (internationalization) features in Front Matter CMS, I wanted to include the ability for users to use DeepL to translate their content automatically. To be able to use DeepL, you need to have an authentication key, and the user will provide this authentication key. Initially, I defined it as a configurable setting in the extension.

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SPFx issues with the new Referrer-Policy in Chrome >= 85

Since version 85 of Chrome, the default referrer policy has changed from no-referrer-when-downgrade to strict-origin-when-cross-origin. This change might have a significant impact on your SharePoint Framework solutions when they rely on the referrer header (or better, the referer header with a single “r”). What is the referrer header? Whenever your browser does an API call, the referrer header gets used to indicate the page’s origin from where it was performed.

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