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Tag: Puppeteer


Setting up Puppeteer to run on Azure DevOps for your automated UI tests

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how you can use Puppeteer in combination with Jest to perform automated UI tests for your SharePoint solutions. In that article, you still had to run your tests manually start the tests. In this article, I will explain how you can automate this in Azure DevOps so that it can run on a schedule.

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Testing the UI of your SPFx solution with Puppeteer and Jest

When building any type of solutions which involve a UI. One of the most time-consuming things is to test how your solution is rendered, and if everything is still working as it should be. If you are doing these changes yourself. The process is very simple and easy to maintain/test. When you are working in a larger team, things will get more complex and more manual work is involved in order to test it.

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