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Tag: Project


Combining multiple Office Apps into one global add-in

The first thing when you create a new Office App is that you have to choose which type of app you want to create. You have the following app shape types you can choose of: Task pane Content Mail Show image Office App shapes Each of these app shape types is designed for a specific application.

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Things you need to know when implementing Azure AD in your Office add-ins

Some time ago I wrote a sample Office app made use of Azure Active Directory to get access to SharePoint resources. I experienced some different behaviour in my Office App between the online client (Outlook Web App) and the rich client. This post describes the behaviour I noticed when implementing Azure AD authentication in my Office App.

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Find out in which Office rich client your Office APP is opened

Some time ago I posted an article about how you can check in which context your mail APP has been opened in OWA or the Outlook rich client (read the post here). I needed that solution for a proof of concept mail app. The mail app is finished, so I wanted to go a step further and I also made the APP work in the other Office applications.

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