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Tag: Permissions


Approve a multi-tenant webApiPermissionRequests scope for your SPFx solution

It has been a long time ago since I wrote about SharePoint. Lately, I got into a Viva Connections project where I had to approve a multi-tenant webApiPermissionRequests scope and ran into an issue where it was impossible to approve the permission scope. Show image Failed permission approval The error that gets returned is The requested permission isn't valid.

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Quick Tip: Adding an Active Directory Group Through the Permissions Web Service

When working with the addpermission method from the permissions.asmx web service, you have the possibility to add permissions to a list or site for users or groups. When you specify a group as permissionType, you could only specify a SharePoint group that exists on the site. You are not able to specify an Active Directory group, but that does not mean that it is not possible.

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