Tag: Office


My setup: get to know what I use

In this article, I will tell you more about what I use during my daily work. Feel free to let me know what you are using or what you recommend. Important Updated the article in July 2021 with the new office setup. The 2021 setup My office setup in 2021 The 2020 setup My desk in the office (2020) Office Desk setup As you can see in the photo above, my setup consists of:

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Offset classes are coming to Office UI Fabric

A week ago I submitted a pull request to the Office UI Fabric repository to include a new set of offset classes. These offset classes could come in handy when you want to position your elements on the page. Info: here you can see the details of the pull request - https://github.

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Office UI Fabric responsive grid: breakpoints, push/pull and other available classes

At the moment the documentation for Office UI Fabric is focussed on Office Add-ins. For example: if you check the grid styles, there is mentioned that there are utility classes for small, medium and large devices, but there is more functionality hidden inside the SASS/CSS files. In this article I will describe a couple of very useful CSS classes which you can use when building your own applications with the Office UI Fabric framework.

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Using Office theme colors in your add-in

Will I was doing some preparation for a new talk about how you can make use of the Office UI Fabric in your applications/add-ins. I found a session from Connect() from Humberto Lezama Guadarrama which shows you what UI Fabric is and how to use it (Office UI Fabric - Connect()).

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Combining multiple Office Apps into one global add-in

The first thing when you create a new Office App is that you have to choose which type of app you want to create. You have the following app shape types you can choose of: Task pane Content Mail Show image Office App shapes Each of these app shape types is designed for a specific application.

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Things you need to know when implementing Azure AD in your Office add-ins

Some time ago I wrote a sample Office app made use of Azure Active Directory to get access to SharePoint resources. I experienced some different behaviour in my Office App between the online client (Outlook Web App) and the rich client. This post describes the behaviour I noticed when implementing Azure AD authentication in my Office App.

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