Tag: Master Page


Document set view not visible in SharePoint 2013

Some time ago I wrote a post about the missing Apps you can add zone (Missing the Apps you can add Zone When Adding a New App). The problem with it was that this zone becomes available once a particular element is found on the page. The element was placed on the page via the PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea content placeholder.

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Missing the Apps you can add Zone When Adding a New App

This week a client mentioned an issue when they want to add new apps to their sites. The issue is that they do not see the Apps you can add zone on the app creation page (your-site/_layouts/15/addanapp.aspx). They only see the Noteworthy apps: Show image Noteworthy Apps The sites on which this problem occurs have custom branding applied.

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Provision Your HTML Designs (Master Pages / Page Layouts) to SharePoint 2013

A couple of months ago I wrote some posts about provisioning design files in SharePoint 2013 (display templates, none html design files). One thing I did not described is how you can provision your HTML master page and page layout design files. Most of the research (read time) was already done when I was trying to find out the best way to provision display templates.

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Display the Title Row (Top Navigation) in the Search Centers of SharePoint 2013

When working with the new search centers in SharePoint 2013, the first thing that you will notice is that the title row is different compared with for example a standard Team Site. Show image Standard SharePoint 2013 Title Row Show image Search Center Heading - Title Row is Hidden As you can see, the title row (red box) where the top navigation should be, is replaced by the search icon and search box (orange box).

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Sticky Footer Solution for SharePoint 2013

Footers and SharePoint that was the starting point of this blog. Back in August 2010, I blogged about how to create a sticky footer for your SharePoint 2010 sites (blog post can be found here and here). Now it is time to upgrade this sticky footer solution to SharePoint 2013.

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Search Hover Panel Positioning Bug in non IE Browsers (SharePoint 2013)

New SharePoint versions can be challenging, especially when it comes to branding your sites. When you are in a migration process like me, you will probably have to re-do the branding to support the new functionalities. Assuming that everything will work like before can be really disappointing. There are a lot of new functionalities, which means that your design will also need to support these functionalities.

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