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Tag: List Views


Problem With List Views That Exceeds Browser Window Width

Last week a customer indicated that layout problems could arise with list views. The problem arises when the amount of data/columns that is visible, exceeds the browser width. This creates an empty space next to the title row when the user scrolls horizontally. Show image This problem occurs when loading the page, the JavaScript of SharePoint sets the browser window width to the title row element.

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SharePoint: Create permissions on list views

First of all I’ve tried the same approach for SharePoint 2010 and this works the same way.

One of the things I miss the most in SharePoint 2007 is to set permissions on list views. I thought it was impossible to achieve this with the out-of-the-box functionality of SharePoint. After some research I found a way to achieve all this. My goal was to do it without writing or modifying any code in SharePoint. The solution consists of a number of manual steps, that I will describe in detail below, to accomplish this.

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