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Tag: Gulp


How to let the warnings not fail the SharePoint Framework build process

Something that is giving me some trouble for a long time is that the SharePoint Framework build process treads warnings as errors in production builds (when the –ship flag is present). Let’s start by giving some background information. During bundling/packaging of your SharePoint Framework solution, you could see two types of messages:

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Better logging in gulp tasks for SharePoint Framework

When building custom gulp tasks in your SharePoint Framework solutions, it might be handy to log as the default build system does. More information about building custom gulp tasks can be found here: Integrate gulp tasks in SharePoint Framework toolchain When you would use the default console.log, console.warn,** **or console.error methods like this:

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Automate publishing of your SharePoint Framework solution package deployment

This article is an addition to my previous one about how to automate the publication process of your JavaScript file to Office 365 public CDN. Related article: Automate publishing of your SharePoint Framework scripts to Office 365 public CDN Not long after I had published my previous article, I got the following question on Twitter:

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Automate publishing of your SharePoint Framework scripts to Office 365 public CDN

Last year Microsoft announce the Office 365 public CDN capability. This is CDN option from Office 365 is a great way for you to host your assets like images or JavaScript files. Most important, this is probably the easiest option for publishing your SharePoint Framework client-side web part assets. This is because it does not require you to setup anything on Azure.

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Getting up to speed with webpack

Show image webpack After the introduction of Node.js, npm, Gulp and Yeoman. It is time to spend some time on another tool called webpack. Webpack is a module bundler and is one of the tools which is used in the building process of a SharePoint Framework client-side web part.

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