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Tag: Devhack


#DevHack: Using the synchronous Azure translation API in Node.js

The Azure AI Translator service has a new synchronous API in preview. The nice thing about this API is that it does not require any Azure Storage account to be set up to which you typically need to upload the files to be translated. Instead, you can just send the document to be translated directly to the API and you will get the translated document back.

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A CSS hack to Visual Studio Code to move the Debug Toolbar

As developers, we’re always looking for ways to enhance our productivity and streamline our workflows. One thing which has bothered me endlessly is the floating Debug Toolbar. I love the fact that it is floating, but I have to move it out of the way every time I want to do something.

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Extension tip to bring Visual Studio Code to the foreground

In one of the extensions I am developing with a custom authentication provider, I required to bring the last Visual Studio Code instance to the front once signed in. When you can control the full authentication flow, you typically redirect the user to vscode://..., which triggers your browser from opening Visual Studio Code.

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#DevHack: CORS for Cloudflare cached Azure Storage blobs

In the previous post, I told you why we moved to Cloudflare CDN to serve our Azure Storage files instead of Azure CDN. During the testing of Cloudflare, I found out that CORS headers were not present for the files. Usually, this is not needed if you only retrieve one file, but if you want to retrieve another file, for instance, a template from your site, these cross-origin resource sharing headers are required.

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#DevHack: Configuring domains for your branches on Vercel

To prepare my new online store’s release for selling personalizable bike stickers called: Pimp Your Own Bike. I wanted to make sure that I could test out my website before merging it to the main branch. Using a predefined custom domain would be the easiest way. Highlighting my environments On Azure, I would typically use slots on the web app.

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#DevHack: Getting some clarity in your site analytics

This weekend I discovered a cool new tool from Microsoft called Clarity. The tool allows you to understand how users interact with your website. It can do this by using Google Analytics integration and features like session replays and heatmaps. Info https://clarity.microsoft.com/ I was not looking for such a tool. I just bumped into it.

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