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Tag: Debugging


SharePoint Framework bookmarklet tool for quick and easy debugging

A while ago I wrote an article about how you can quickly test and debug your SharePoint Framework code when it is already deployed on an environment. I use this technique quite a lot as I mostly work with application customizers. Info: Testing and debugging your SPFx solutions in production without causing any impact

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Debug your SharePoint Framework code running in Microsoft Edge with Visual Studio Code

For a long time, you were not able to remotely debug your SharePoint Framework solutions running in Microsoft Edge with Visual Studio Code. This was due to limitations of the Debugger for Edge and the Microsoft Edge developer tools. The only possibility if you wanted to debug in Visual Studio Code, was to use Chrome in combination with the Debugger for Chrome Visual Studio Code extension.

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How to debug your SharePoint Framework unit-tests

The reason you probably read this post is that you already wrote some unit tests for SharePoint Framework projects and you stumble upon a problem and want to debug one of your unit-tests. Apparently, the process is not so easy as linking your debugger to the gulp test task. There is a bit more plumbing involved to get a good experience.

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Things to check when something went wrong with your display template

Show image Default message when there is a problem with your template I receive a lot of questions about why display templates are not working or why managed properties do not contain a value. Most of the times the solution is similar to what has been already asked before, so I thought of writing this down in order that it can help everyone with similar issues.

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