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Tag: CDN


#DevHack: Using Azure CDN with SAS on Verizon Premium

In the previous article, I explained how you could use the Shared Access Signature (SAS) in Cloudflare. The reason that I use this approach is to make sure the Azure Storage cannot be publicly accessed. Only via a SAS token blobs can be retrieved or updated. If you want to do this for Azure CDN, I pointed to the documentation to configure this, but it seems that it has changed a bit over time.

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Using Cloudflare to serve your private Azure Storage Blobs

Recently I wrote about how to use Cloudflare as a CDN for your Azure Storage Containers/Blobs. The process for setting up Cloudflare for Azure Storage is straightforward. Info Use Cloudflare CDN for your Azure Storage caching Now to make this work, you need to configure the Azure Storage to be anonymously accessible.

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#DevHack: Use Cloudflare CDN for your Azure Storage caching

Getting your files faster to your clients is very important. There are various options for this. Last year, we started to look into Azure CDN to quickly and reliably provide our source files to our customers. The Azure CDN is put in front of an Azure Storage account on which we host the files in different blob containers.

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Automate publishing of your SharePoint Framework scripts to Office 365 public CDN

Last year Microsoft announce the Office 365 public CDN capability. This is CDN option from Office 365 is a great way for you to host your assets like images or JavaScript files. Most important, this is probably the easiest option for publishing your SharePoint Framework client-side web part assets. This is because it does not require you to setup anything on Azure.

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