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Tag: Blog


Can an AI be used as a ghostwriter for your articles?

The power of AI is rising everywhere. More and more, you see services popping up which will help you write code, content, understand code, and so much more. Last week I woke up and asked myself if an AI would already write the content I wanted. I was already sure it could write content, but I was unsure if it would be able to write it the way I would like it to be written.

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Problem with the SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 blog post publication action

A client of mine is currently undergoing a migration from SharePoint 2007 to 2013. An important part of their migration is a blog site. This blog is used all over the company to spread news to the colleagues. Everything went fine during the migration process of the blog, but from the moment they started testing the functionality they saw some weird behaviour.

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