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Tag: Authentication


Simplifying E2E testing in MFA-enabled environments with Playwright's auth sessions

A couple of months ago, I found a way to end-to-end test your solutions, which require you to log in on Microsoft with multifactor authentication enabled. The solution is to use a time-based one-time password (TOTP) that you can generate on the fly during your automated tests. info You can read more about the approach in the automating Microsoft 365 login with multi-factor authentication in Playwright tests article.

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Make your authentication provider work in GitHub and Gitpod codespaces

In the previous article, I explained how you could ensure your URI handler works in GitHub codespaces and Gitpod. Now it is time to explain more about making an authentication provider that works on GitHub codespaces and Gitpod. The authentication flow In the extension I am working on, we use the OAuth 2.

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Creating a reusable auth provider in Visual Studio Code

A couple of months ago, I wrote about how you could create an authentication provider for Visual Studio Code. In this article, we will take it further and make it reusable by other extensions. The reason for creating a reusable authentication provider could differ per solution. Maybe you want to make one for other extensions to leverage, or your company wants to release multiple extensions that can all use the same type of authentication.

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Create an Authentication Provider for Visual Studio Code

Previously I wrote how you could use the Microsoft Authentication Provider in your Visual Studio Code extension to custom Azure AD applications. In this article, we go a step further and create our authentication provider from scratch. As By default, VS Code supports the github, github-enterprise, and microsoft authentication providers. If you use another service or have your authentication service, you will likely want to create your Authentication Provider.

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How to use the Microsoft authentication provider in Visual Studio Code

While creating a custom authentication provider, I found out the standard Microsoft authentication provider in Visual Studio Code can be used with your Azure AD Apps and Tenants. By default, VS Code supports the github, github-enterprise, and microsoft authentication providers, but little documentation is available, mostly coming from the issues in the VS Code repo.

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Securing your Azure Functions with an existing Azure AD app

This article continues the previous article about using the OAuth On-Behalf-Of flow in your Azure Functions. In the last article, the Azure Function only verifies the JWT Token, and if valid, uses it to request an access token and get data on your behalf. Info Link to the previous article about Using OAuth On-Behalf-Of flow in a Node.

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