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Simplify localization in SharePoint Framework projects

Localization SharePoint Framework SPFx Translations

This post is over a year old, some of this information may be out of date.

When you need to support multiple languages for your SharePoint Framework solutions. It can be a hassle that you have to maintain each and every localization per component in their related loc folder.

Official localization documentation: localize SharePoint Framework client-side web parts.

Show image Default component localization files
Default component localization files

If you have one component in your project, this is easy to maintain, but once you will have a couple more. It will become harder, but also, it could be that keys will have to be duplicated over each and every component its localization file.

Example: You have a save button and want to reuse the localized label in each of your components. This would result in duplicate keys across these localization files. When you need to change the label, you will have to do it to all components. Each component will also have its own localization file that will be loaded.

Show image Generated localization files
Generated localization files

Making it easier

A way to make localization easier and to be able to share your localization keys over each component in the project would be to create a localization folder at the root of your src directory with your localization files in it.

Show image Global localization folder
Global localization folder

Specify the name of the localization module in the new global mystrings.d.ts file, like:

Show image Global localization file
Global localization file

In your project’s config.json file (./config/config.json), update the localizedResources property, to use the newly created localization file.

Show image Global localization file registration
Global localization file registration

Per component update the localization strings import reference to use the new global localization strings module.

Show image Update localization
Update localization

Once you have done these changes, you only need to take care of one global localization file. Another advantage is that only one localization file will be loaded on your page for all the components.

Show image One global localization file
One global localization file

Extra: useful VSCode extension

To make localization even easier, I created a Visual Studio Code localization extension which allows you to quickly create / import localization keys and modules into your components.

Check it out: SPFx Localization -

The extension also allows you to export all localizations to a CSV file. This allows makes it easier to pass it to your translators and later when they are finished, you can do an import which automatically creates all localization files from the CSV file.

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Elio Struyf

Solutions Architect & Developer Expert


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