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SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2015 is coming!

Show image SharePoint Saturday Belgium
SharePoint Saturday Belgium

The BIWUG board is proud to announce the fifth edition of SharePoint Saturday Belgium.

The event takes place on Saturday April 18th and will be held at a new venue: ALM Antwerp http://www.almantwerpen.be/en/, Filip Williotstraat 9 - 2600 Berchem.

The event is completly sold out, but you can still put yourself on the waiting list - SPSBE Waiting list.

Check out SPSEvents site http://www.spsevents.org/city/Antwerp/Antwerp2015/, Eventbrite page http://sps2015.eventbrite.com/, Twitter https://twitter.com/biwug, and your mail for the latest news about SharePoint Saturday Belgium.

Our agenda has been made available today and can be check on the SPSEvents site: SPSBE Agenda.

Let’s make it an awesome #SPSBE this year!


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