Automated UI Test for SharePoint Solutions
On this page, you can find some related references for the “Automated UI Test for SharePoint Solutions” session which Elio presented together with Melanie Culver.
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Link to the slides of where the session was presented
Useful links
Other Tools
Code snippets
node-sp-auth authentication for Puppeteer
import * as spauth from "node-sp-auth";const data = await spauth.getAuth(pageUrl, { username: username, password: password,});
Combining Puppeteer and Jest
test('Should load the page', async (done) => { if (page) { await page.goto(configObj.pageUrl, { waitUntil: 'networkidle0’ }); expect(page).not.toBeNull(); expect(await page.title()).not.toBeNull(); expect(await page.title()).toBe("Automated UI Tests - Home"); done(); }}, 30000);
/** * Start of the other page tests */test('Check if caption element is present in the web part', async (done) => { const elm = await page.$('.caption’); expect(elm).not.toBeNull(); done();}, 5000);
HTML sample for testing with custom attributes
<div className="{styles.caption}" data-ui-test-id="caption"> <p data-ui-test-id="caption-title"> <b>{item.title}</b> </p> <p data-ui-test-id="caption-description"> <i>{item.description}</i> </p></div>
The test code:
/** * Start of the other page tests */test('Check if caption element is present in the web part', async (done) => { const caption = await page.$('div[data-ui-test-id="caption"]’); expect(caption).not.toBeNull(); done();}, 5000);
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