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Category: Office 365


Easily run SharePoint Framework related tasks in Visual Studio Code

Beginning of August 2018 I released a new Visual Studio Code extension called the SPFx Task Runner. This extension lets you run your SharePoint Framework related gulp tasks by just a couple of mouse clicks. Show image SPFx Task Runner Once you installed the extension you get a new SPFx task group in the Visual Studio Code context menu.

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Getting likes and comments from modern pages

If you are using a modern site in SharePoint Online, you might have noticed that there is a new footer / social bar control which contains actions that allow you to like a page, see the number of comments and page views. Show image The social bar with like and comment capabilities This is a very simple control and might be useful to you when building some social solutions like for example when building your own news page roll-ups or controls.

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Get to know on which type of site your SharePoint Framework solution is running

Depending on the solution you are creating, you might want to know on which type of site your SharePoint Framework solution is currently running. This could be useful to enable or disable certain functionalities the solution you are creating depending on the type of site. For example: enable some extra collaboration features in your solution when used on a team site, and disable the features when used on a communication site.

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Exclude your mock data and other modules from your production bundle in SPFx

When creating solutions with SharePoint Framework, in many cases you might want to call some API endpoints. Like for instance the SharePoint rest API or Microsoft Graph. To speed up your development, testing and overcome issues like CORS (cross-origin resource sharing). You might have implemented some mock data objects or mock services which return static data.

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How to debug your SharePoint Framework unit-tests

The reason you probably read this post is that you already wrote some unit tests for SharePoint Framework projects and you stumble upon a problem and want to debug one of your unit-tests. Apparently, the process is not so easy as linking your debugger to the gulp test task. There is a bit more plumbing involved to get a good experience.

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