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Archive for August 2023


The Playwright Reporter for GitHub Actions

For developers leveraging GitHub Actions to automate workflows E2E tests, Playwright provides excellent documentation on its use with GitHub Actions. By default, the setup uses the HTML reporter, offering a detailed look at test results. However, I found myself longing for a more straightforward overview of these results. This led me to develop a GitHub Actions reporter.

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Test the unexpected API results with Playwright mocking

When building applications, you can expect things to go wrong. For instance, calls you make to APIs like a server issue, incorrect formatted body, throttling, and much more. A great tool to locally test these unexpected scenarios is Microsoft 365 Developer Proxy which can be used for both Microsoft 365 APIs, but also for any other APIs.

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End-to-End Test Microsoft 365 Solutions with Playwright

In the past, I have written a couple of articles about end-to-end (E2E) testing your SharePoint/Microsoft Teams solutions with Cypress, Puppeteer, and Playwright. I was a big fan of Cypress, but I must admit that Playwright caught up and became my favorite tool for E2E testing. For me, the most significant advantage of Cypress was the visual UI for running your tests, but the main disadvantage was its use of an iframe, which caused issues for testing SharePoint and Microsoft Teams.

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Retrieving an artifact from a previous GitHub Actions workflow

While configuring some end-to-end tests with Playwright, I wanted to achieve a visual comparison between the current run and the previous one. Playwright expects to have a snapshot available for its comparison. When I run this on GitHub Actions, the snapshots should be taken from my previous GitHub Actions workflow run.

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