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Archive for July 2023


Organize and Optimize: Splitting Visual Studio Code Extension Settings into Multiple Categories

I have always been adding my Visual Studio Code extension settings to the contributes.configuration object, but I was missing a way to organize the settings in multiple sections/groups. That way, the end user gets a better overview of all settings grouped by their category. When reading the VSCode contributes.configuration schema documentation, I spotted the following: “This section can either be a single object, representing a single category of settings, or an array of objects, representing multiple categories of settings.

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Render your Astro markdown content for your overviews

I wanted to create a roll-up of the latest news articles on our new BIWUG community site (which still needs to be released). Show image BIWUG News Rollup When I retrieved the news collection data, I only got the front matter data and the markdown content. Looking at the Astro documentation, I found several ways to get the HTML.

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Leveraging Astro for React App Performance Boost

Earlier this week, I was working on optimizing an internal analysis website that uses many JSON files for its content collections. During the local development and with smaller datasets, the website was super fast, but when I received a larger dataset, I noticed that the website got very slow. The slowness mainly came from the amount of data and the processing in React.

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Localization of Webviews in Visual Studio Code Extensions

In the previous post, I showed how to localize the extension commands/settings and code. In this post, I want to show how to localize the webviews in Visual Studio Code extensions, as this is a bit more complicated and not yet documented. First, webviews allow you to create fully customizable views for your extensions.

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Localization of Visual Studio Code Extensions

Welcome to another blog post where we explore the world of Visual Studio Code extensions! In this article, I will delve into localizing your extensions. Localization allows you to make your extension accessible to users around the globe by providing translations in different languages. As some things were unclear to me when I wanted to start localizing one of my extensions, I wrote this article to help others in the same situation.

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