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Archive for February 2023


MacBook Air M2: a great device for developers on the go

As a developer, having a reliable and powerful device that you can take with you wherever you go is essential. Whether working remotely, traveling for business, or simply working from a coffee shop, you need a device to keep up with your workload without weighing you down. The MacBook Air M2 is the perfect device for developers who need a lightweight and powerful machine that they can take on the go.

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Make impactful presentations with Markdown and Slidev

I have done many presentations over the years, and my go-to tool has always been PowerPoint. It has all the features I needed, but I always struggled with the time it took to create the presentation. First, you need to get a suitable template, place the images in the correct place, and add the text, but adding code to slides is even trickier and not easy to maintain.

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