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Archive for July 2014


Display template custom document properties explained

In this post all the search display template custom document properties of are explained. Here is an example of how an out-of-the-box display template document property section looks like: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <mso:CustomDocumentProperties> <mso:TemplateHidden msdt:dt="string">0</mso:TemplateHidden> <mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'Link URL'{Link URL}:'Path','Line 1'{Line 1}:'Title','Line 2'{Line 2}:','FileExtension','SecondaryFileExtension'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping> <mso:MasterPageDescription msdt:dt="string">This Item Display Template will show a small thumbnail icon next to a hyperlink of the item title, with an additional line that is available for a custom managed property.

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