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Archive for June 2014


Table layout display template with managed property sorting

In my last two blog posts I talked about how you could add sorting, and how to find out if a managed property is sortable. These two posts were created during the creating time of a table layout display template. Of course there are a couple of table layout templates already, but none had the option to sort the results.

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How to know if a managed property is sortable with JavaScript

In my previous post I talked about how you could add managed property sorting in a display templates. The problem with this is that you need to know that the managed property is sortable. If the managed property isn’t sortable, it won’t work. Unfortunately if you’re going to sort on an unsortable managed property, this will result in a web part with an error:

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How to add sorting in display templates

An idea where I’m currently working on involves sorting of the search results in display templates. So I thought it would be interesting to share this information already. You will see that enabling sorting, won’t involve a lot of code. You just need to know what you need to do, before you can start sorting the results.

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Grouping search results with display templates for the CSWP

This post was something that has been on my to-do list for quite some time, and was also requested by a couple of people. So finally I found the time to work this out. Back in SharePoint 2010 and 2007 we could easily group the results in the Content Query Web Part, but this functionality isn’t included in the Content Search Web Part.

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